Connect: Nukko Lake

We are back with another update on Connect: Nukko Lake! This week we learned about the power of teamwork by doing a Lego challenge.

For this challenge, the kids were split up into groups of 2 or 3. They were given a plastic bag with 10 Lego pieces in it, with the same colours and sizes in each bag. Beforehand, I built a Lego tower that had all of the same pieces and colours in it, and the objective was that the kids had to build a replica of it with their partner/group. The tricky part was that they had to take turns coming to the front of the room to examine the tower and could only "peek" at it for 15-second intervals, then they returned to their partner to try and remember how it was built. 

This was a fun memorization challenge but it also encouraged the kids to work together and depend on each other! After completing the challenge, we discussed that it's sometimes easier to work together and communicate than to try and memorize everything on your own. 

It was a fun week and the kids learned some very important lessons.

January 19, 2024

-Amy, BigsNBC Mentoring Coordinator