The plan was foiled!

Week 4 of Connect: Nukko Lake Group

This week of Connect: Nukko Lake was lots of fun, and we talked about some very important topics!

As this was our first week back together of the New Year, we each shared a little bit about the best part of our breaks. There were lots of fun answers like going snowmobiling, visiting family, and playing with their new Oculus set (a VR headset). After that, the kids were super excited to jump right into the activity!

For our activity, we asked the kids to make one item of anything they wanted, out of 9 pieces of tin foil. They were not allowed to use any other objects in the room (which they found very challenging), and were only given 15 minutes to complete the task. When the time was up, we ended up with some pretty cool objects! The first item was a basketball, which we of course had to test out to see if it bounced, and it did! Another item that was built was a car that was carrying folded pieces of tinfoil that looked like folded laundry, which was pretty funny. One of the boys tried making a frog out of the tin foil, but he did not like the way it looked so he ended up making up his own bug, which we thought was super fun and creative. The last boy in the group tried to build a human, but ran out of time so he built an alien instead – to our surprise, it actually looked like a frog that was jumping, which was pretty cool!

After the activity came to an end, the kids had Pringles as a snack while we chatted about the activity. We asked the boys in the group if they felt like they failed this challenge (since their objects did not turn out the way they planned), and if so, why did they feel this way? Two of the boys stated that they felt they failed the challenge, so Amy and I asked them if they think it is okay or wrong to fail things. All the boys went silent, and after a few seconds, one boy said “it’s okay to fail things as long as you try again after, because nobody is great at something the first time they try.” We reassured the boy that he was totally right, and that it is okay to fail things as long as you tried your best!

After we all finished chatting, there was a few minutes left, so the boys wanted to play basketball and ping pong. We are all looking forward to attending the next session!

-Jaidyn, BigsNBC Mentoring Coordinator