Week 9 of Connect: Nukko Lake

BigsNBC Coordinator, Amy, here!

This week of Connect: Nukko Lake was super fun and engaging for the kids.

We started off with a career game this week. Each kid pulled a different job out of a bowl and read them aloud. We then talked about what the job was, how much the salary was, and if they would be interested in having that specific job or not. For example, one of the careers we pulled out was a plumber, so we talked about what that job would entail and if the kids were interested in it. This gave the kids the opportunity to think and learn about different career paths, as well as share their own ideas with the group.

After the game, we started our main activity – an egg drop challenge! We will be working on this challenge next session as well. This week the group got to create their egg baskets using all kinds of materials, and next session we will be dropping them off a tall ladder at the school. They enjoyed this one because they got to be creative and make their own unique basket, as well as think about the best way to protect the egg. This challenge is really important because it helps the kids focus on creativity, problem-solving, and growing through failure if their basket does not hold and their egg breaks. We want them to know it's okay if something doesn't work out, and to remember to just have fun creating and participating! 

I am so excited to see how the egg drop challenge works out for the kids next session!

-Amy, BigsNBC Mentoring Coordinator