Head in the clouds

Week 1 of Connect: Sensory Science

Volunteer, Olivia, here with a recap of our first week of Connect: Sensory Science!

BigsNBC recently ran a Sensory Science group in the past, and it was so much fun they decided to bring it back! Sensory science is just like any regular science experiment, except each experiment will stimulate the kids’ senses! This could be through auditory, sight, smell, taste, and touch! In this group, we will be exploring different colours and textures in each project such as hot and cold, hard and soft, light and heavy, and much more!

This group is volunteer-led by Olivia (me) and Emily with the help of BigsNBC Coordinator, Amy! Our first activity of this 6-week group was cloud dough.

We first started off the group by giving some brief introductions of ourselves, and then previous BigsNBC Coordinator, Jaidyn, led the Pre Match training, which is a Powerpoint for the kids explaining the group rules and future activities.

After the Pre Match training, we jumped right into our main activity – cloud dough! The group had fun making cloud dough for their first activity! Each participant was given corn starch, body lotion, and food coloring of their choice. After lots of mixing and messy hands, the kids formed a super soft play-dough substance! During the activity we assisted the kids while also making conversation to help everyone get to know each other better. This activity is great for the kids, as it's something they can easily make at home with simple household ingredients.

Everyone had fun and is looking forward to our first experiment next week. 

April 17, 2023

-Olivia, BigsNBC Volunteer