Slime Time!

Week 2 of Connect: Sensory Science

We had another great week of sensory science! While we waited for others to arrive, we made some clay sculptures. Unfortunately, most of the group was sick this week, so we had a very small group. Nonetheless, it was still tons of fun!

We kicked off the night with another colorful science experiment – magic milk! The group was given a bowl of whole milk, food dye, and a Q-tip dipped in dish soap. The child added the food dye to the bowl, and then gently dipped on the Q-tip onto the milk surface. The colors expanded and spread out like tye dye in the bowl! 

Then we headed into our main activity, where we made two different types of slime! Our first slime was a classic, and easy for the kids to navigate on their own. The child was given White glue, shaving cream, food coloring, and contact solution. Mixing the glue and coloring first, then adding the rest. This easy combination is bright, fast, and soft! 

Now that we had some easy slime practice in, we went for a more difficult level – clear slime! The child was given clear glue, food coloring, glitter, borax solution (*this was handled by an adult*) and warm water. Mixing the glue and colouring first, then adding the borax solution and water. The child saw a pretty fast reaction when the borax was added, and then had to stir quickly so that the clear glue didn't get chunky. This slime required a little more forming and the kids really had to get their hands dirty! Both slimes were a success. 

This was a pretty quiet evening, but there was still lots of fun conversation topics like Candy Cane Lane, Christmas List wishes, how many different kinds of slime there. It was a quiet night but still loads of fun!

-Amy, BigsNBC Mentoring Coordinator