Sea You Later!

Week 6 of Connect: Sensory Science

After an amazing 6 weeks of Connect: Sensory Science, this was our final week of fun science experiments. Nonetheless, we ended the group with three super fun activities - painting ocean pictures, conducting a rainbow fizz experiment, and making our own aquarium jars!

For our warm up activity, the kids requested we do some more painting. To keep in the theme of our aquarium jars, we painted ocean pictures! Everyone got a canvas and some paint, and it gave us some peaceful time to chat with everyone and discuss how we were feeling about the group ending. 

Our rainbow fizz experiment was an explosive one! The kids were given disposable cups, LOTS of baking soda, food colouring, and a jug of vinegar. The kids had to fill their cups ¾ full of baking soda, and then mash together lots of food dye for colour. They then placed their colored cups on the tray, and got to pour a jug of vinegar over top of them for a fizzy rainbow effect!

For our main activity, we made our own aquariums! The kids each got a mason jar, pebbles, a fake plant, tinted blue water - and a special twist, miniature glow in the dark dinosaurs (the store did not have glow in the dark ocean creatures, so we had to get creative!). The kids secured their pebbles, plants, and dinos in the bottom on the jar and then added the ocean water. We also briefly turned off the lights to see the dinos glow in the dark, and everyone loved it! The kids then enjoyed some snacks and chatted amongst each other for the remainder of the night. 

This group was so fun to coordinate, and the kids seemed to have lots of fun as well. At the end of this group, a child gave me a card that said "Last day I see. I had a lot of fun, especially the (solar jars). It is sad that it is over, hope to see you again.” This meant a lot to me, as well as everyone on the team who contributes to making these groups happen.

We are so excited for all the groups to come!

January 17, 2023

- Amy, BigsNBC Mentoring Coordinator